Thursday, April 4, 2024

Bit more on our new "old" dog

As mentioned in the post about EV's and our trip to Mt Gambier we went there to pick up an Aussie Terrier.

Cassie (as called by the breeder) is a 6.5 year old Australian Terrier, who has had a couple of litters of puppies in the past and the breeder is now looking to downsize. She was neutered before we collected her (which is what we wanted), and she's here now as a pet to go with our other Aussie's, Mambo, Laverne and Shirley.

(Some may know Laverne and Shirley are also ex-breeding dogs that were in need of a home a few years ago.)

Here she is with the mob - Laverne (who is the eldest / has a number of health challenges) at the front, Shirley standing up demanding a nurse, and Cassie cuddled up on the left of Mambo. 

That photo was taken a couple of days after we introduced her to the mob, which went, all in all, unbelievably smoothly. One little bit of a contretempts with Laverne over a piece of carrot (one day I'll post about Laverne and her obsession with raw carrots), but that settled really quickly and since then it's been pretty plain sailing.

Slightly different story with the cats - Penelope and Ender went with ignoring her from the start, so she rushed them a few times, then lost interest when they didn't react. Their standard mode of operation with all the dogs, but Guinness carries on mewling and hissing every time she goes near him. So she's obsessed with going near him. He's slowly coming around but he's a bit of a precious sook at the best of times...

A rare shot of the three of them together. Penelope (tabby and white) at the bottom, Guinness (Tuxedo) in the middle and Ender (Champagne) at the top

Cassie's a tiny little thing compared to the other three, very agile (runs and jumps like you would not believe). She's the only one of the 4 that can jump onto our rather high bed, so needless to say she sleeps in the middle of the bed, curled up with Guinness which is probably part of the reason he hates her - that and he hates anything and everything new.

So anyway, another dog successfully integrated into the mad house. Fingers crossed she stays with us for a long and healthy time.

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